Java Detour’s Unique Coffees and Beverages

At  Java Detour we have designed all of the drinks for our stores based on our love of coffee and our desire to have unique, delicious options. We believe it isn’t enough for a coffee drive-thru to only offer the standard mochas, lattes and cappuccinos, and be satisfied.  Instead we seek to offer more unique options that tantalize your taste buds and leave you wanting more.

Here are a few of our favorite coffee concoctions that are available at Java Detour locations:

  •  Oreo Cookie Latte — This blended drink combines your favorite coffee flavors with a traditional cookies and cream flair. The flavor is intense and unique, and the drink is sweet enough that you will be happy drinking it in the morning as a pick me up, or in the evening as dessert.
  • Black and White Mocha — This mocha uses half white chocolate and half darker chocolate to bring you a uniquely blended chocolate flavor. The taste is intense and chocolaty, and you are sure to crave it for days to come.
  • Tropical Green Tea Latte — Many people have started ordering Earl Grey tea lattes, but fewer have discovered how delicious green tea lattes are. The delicate flavors in the green tea blend perfectly with the sugars in the steamed milk to create a milky, mild beverage.
  • Orange Dulce Tea Latte — Like the green tea latte, this drink is more delicate than black tea lattes. The orange pairs well with the steamed milk to create a delicate, satisfying drink.

You should also try requesting a custom drink once you’ve tasted all of our unique beverages. Mix up and combine the syrups in your blended drinks to create beverages that are truly you.

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